Non-Profit Mutual Benefit Corporation – An other popular non-profit structure that is used for everything including businesses, is called a Mutual Benefit Organization. Mutual Benefit Organizations specifically benefit the members of the organization, but can still function as a non-profit, but only benefit a select group of people. In essence you can run an entire business or company as a non-profit Mutual Benefit Organization, and the only difference from a for-profit would simply be that it doesn’t have owners or shareholders. This would be one form of a worker owner CO-OPerative, and would be a non-profit but would not be tax exempt at any level, as it could still make money, but the money could only be distributed to the active members. Typically a Mutual Benefit Organization would be an association or collective, but they can also be Businesses or a worker run CO-OP. The cost to sponsor a Non-Profit Mutual Benefit Corporation would be a maximum of $15/month plus a % cash flow you would determine yourself.