General Non-Profit – A non-profit organization is simply an entity or company that does NOT have shareholders and is membership based. Anyone can start a non-profit and it still has to pay normal taxes just like any other corporation, but it will typically have some type of public or social benefit, but doesn’t have to. Non-Profit organizations with a social benefit usually create a clause in their legal status that does NOT allow the organization to turn itself into a for-profit or other entity form without dissolving the organization and its assets and giving them to an other non-profit. There many different forms that non-profits can take including over twenty 501c IRS tax designations. We can help sponsor you to create any form you are interested in, but if you are not sure what kind of non-profit you want, you can always simply create a general non-profit and overtime hone it in. Organizations can switch what type they are with a simple vote, and so you can change the type of non-profit you are, and also you can even change into a for-profit, but there are limitations on what kind of assets you can bring with you.